Monday, September 17, 2012


What do I have to say? When I had already talked too much and the words got tired  trying to explain myself.. What do I have to say when everyone sees what they want to see? Are there any words left to me to fix the thousand prejudice people keep in their minds? 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Happily Never After

Dear Karma,

I find it very difficult to understand how you manage to leave all my stories unfinished, nothing lived to the fullest, none of the problems solved, you leave me in total deadlock. 

 "Are you kiddingThat's not a proper ending! Don't you knowall good stories start with 'once upon a time' and they end with 'happily ever after'" 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Relationship status: It is complicated

Everytime I feel strong enough to move on and leave things behind you somehow find away to pull me back. And I find myself right in the middle of a huge complication. Now that you have done it again it feels both "the butterflies and cramps" of crazy in love and "the tissues and chocolate phase" of a heavy break up. It feels right, it feels wrong.. Where do we stand? It is a stalemate. There are no further actions to be taken, yet no will or courage to withdraw and somehow the game is still on. It feels as if someone pushed the pause button and everything froze, and all I am left to do is to hang on to the moment and get the most out of it.